NobreTech ICT works with several service providers to deliver a wide array of services. With various tools at our disposal your business will be able to use Cyber Security discovery and deployment tools that allow you to;

  • View all endpoints within the network mesh,
  • Mass deploy pre-configured policies to all endpoints in the network,
  • View actionable updates and detailed information on servers, endpoints and network devices.
  • Quickly identify issues and resolve them with built in commands and scripts,
  • With patch management software the discovery and application of OS and third-party application patches improve the security of your system,
  • Compile comprehensive detailed system status reports.


If there is one thing that the pandemic has given us apart from a “new normal” it  is the massive spike in the number of ransomware attacks across the globe. The average amount of ransomware transactions in 2021 exceeded $102 million per month.

  • The average ransomware payment in 2021 was $570,000. An 81% increase from the previous year.
  • In 2021, a business was hit by ransomware every 11 seconds.
  • The average downtime experienced by businesses after a ransomware attack is 21 days.
  • Email is responsible for 94% of reported malware attacks.

Endpoint protection is a term that describes cyber security services for network endpoints like laptops, desktops, smartphones, tablets, servers and virtual environments. These services may include antivirus and anti malware, web filtering and many more. Endpoint protection helps businesses keep intellectual property, critical systems, customer data, employees and guests safe from ransomware, phishing, malware and other cyber attacks.


91% of all cyber attacks start from phishing emails.

NobreTech ICT combats that with a cloud-based solution that detects and blocks 99.9% of  sophisticated email attacks before they ever reach the employee inboxes. With these tools you will be able to;

  • Analyse your employee’s business relationships (who they work with, how often they communicate, etc.) to make trusted profiles.
  • Scan for suspicious irregularities in message content and attachments and compare them to trusted profiles to detect attacks.
  • Learn from user interaction and feedback to grow smarter and defend you better from new emerging threats.

Feel free to Get in touch with us for more information!